
Showing posts from October, 2011

I wish I could hold you more...

(Officially written on Monday, 14 June 2010) Memories of us togather, Dreaming next to never, Living deep within me, Nourishing my soul. As if I have found, Diamond out of coal. they say diamonds are forever, and never fade with time, you are like that sparkling gem, engraved on my soul.    (Sorry followers, but this one is an incomplete version as my fifth ventrical was and still is, facing serious writer's block issues...hope to get over it in years to come...enjoy the chunk thats been presented before you all until then. Thanks)


(Officially written on Sunday, 27 June 2010) Crawling beneath the woods, petrified. Locating with utmost effort ... its way. Bumping over twigs, Unaware of its course, Turning a hazy leaf, By its utmost force, Struggling for a way, To find a line of trail, Lost amidst the dead leaves, Freshly raked unto a heap. Tis the way, autumn greets... The lowly cricket. In the stillness of the night, As the world loses in slumber. Till the day breaks, and larks sing, For the crimson morn' And the children chirp, While playing with enthuse, Amid the befallen leaves, That break and crack, Rejoicing the wonders, That Autumn begets, With warmth for some... And icy for others. Deceit followed by sincerity, Its intimations, forever dual.

I Smile

(Officially written on Saturday, 04 September 2010 ) When, from nothingness, sprouts beauty, I smiile. When,simple pleasuresome, feelings evoke, I smile. When,fond memories, are rejoiced, I smile When, a blissful moment, elaspes, I smile. When, the gay wren, chirps, I smile. A blessing I reckon, grasping each, I smile.

Shared Secrets

Think...of a secret. And I'll know that you have thought of it, and shared it, with me, without ever sharing at all and then u shall, hear me, thanking you, for this will be our best, shared secret; shared - never at all. :) That's our secret. Hope you love it.

Beauty In Metro

Amidst the scorching heat of the may sun and honking, smoky traffic I was waiting for my metro that I knew would come fully loaded with passengers of all shape and colours. All that heat and stench of crowd waiting at the stop was nauseating and making me dizzy. I took off my specs to dust them off and adjusted them on again and spotted my ride heading straight towards me. They all swarm into it hollering and squeezing from its door officially designed for a normal man to decently pass on and I, too, made my way inside. Relieved to find a seat beside the window I deposited myself with my backpack before anyone could. The journey started on full throttle. With nothing much left to do except waiting for my designation to arrive, which was still a good thirty five minutes away, I tried relaxing my back against the uncomfortable and stiff seat that was not letting me sit put. And so I kept shifting my position in order to ease my back every now and then until I noticed her sitting at the f...