
Showing posts from May, 2020

Frida and Diego: A Story of Love and Pain

By Sasha Scheherzade Life experience is a common theme in Kahlo's approximately 200 paintings, sketches and drawings. Her physical and emotional pain are spread starkly on canvases, as was her stormy relationship with her husband, fellow artist and love of her life, Diego Rivera, who she married... twice!!! During her life, 'self portrait' is a subject that Kahlo always returned to, as artists have always returned to their beloved themes. Of her 143 paintings, 55 are self-portraits. Had she lived, she would have been coined the Selfie Queen of present times. Kahlo and Rivera had a tempestuous relationship that was marked by multiple affairs on both the sides. Self-Portrait With Cropped Hair (1940) - Kahlo is depicted in a man's suit, holding a pair of scissors, with her fallen hair around the chair in which she sits. This represents the times she would cut the hair Rivera loved when he had affairs. The lyrics of a song painted across the top of this potrait whi...

Diliris Ertugral - If Love has a name

By Sasha Scheherzade If love has a name, it's Diliris Ertugrul. Why? Believe it or not, this casts magic strong enough to captivate viewers.  One with doubts will understand after tuning in the first episode. Diliris Ertugrul tells a passionate account of The Kaıs, a brave and humble Turkish nomadic tribe. The Kaıs are a warrior tribe that on one hand has embraced to become targets with rough weather and the Mongols and Crusaders on the other hand. It is a chronicle of courage, inspired from historic foundation of the Ottoman Empire, at the end of the 13th century in Northwestern Anatolia in the town of Soğüt (modern-day Bilecik Province) by the Oghuz Turkish tribal leader Osman. The plot of the play is in stark contrast with any modern-day western spiel that either instills fear of the obscure or forge acceptance of paranormal figurines conjured through accidental lab mutations and later lauded as heroes. This tale revolves around a nomadic tribe of shepherds, who requ...