
Showing posts from March, 2020

Pakistan - A Cauldron of Mother Languages

By Sasha Scheherzade A native language spoken by a parent/father or mother tongue, is one that an infant gets exposed to from the time of birth. In some countries, the term native language or mother tongue refers to the language of one's ethnic group rather than one's first language or mother tongue or any language that is spoken at home. . Pakistan is fortunate enough to enjoy a geographical location that not just traditionally but linguistically rich with an equally diverse nation that is known for being dynamic in all cultural aspects out of which mother language comes first and foremost. Nearly 74 mother languages are spoken in Pakistan according to stats shared by UNESCO Islamabad. The five chief regional languages Punjabi, Pushto, Sindhi, Siraiki and Urdu have more than 10 million speakers and almost all mother languages belong to a Indo-Iranian group from the Indo-Europeon family.  Ethnologue ,  an online reference print publication lists 74 spoken lan...

Jimmy Engineer – The Artist who Relived 1947

By  Sasha Scheherazade Not many artists have achieved success where documenting the traumatic experience of one of the most horrific and grandest migrations in history is concerned. The colonial British powers that brought Pakistan and India into being nearly seven decades back, was not without an engineered and very violent partition of the boundaries.       "I have relived 1947," says Jimmy Engineer, "although I was born seven years after the inception of Pakistan, but to me it seems that the very time of partition, with people migrating from Indian border to Pakistan by whatever means they could, is still etched afresh a memory as if I had lived through this whole process of partition, died and my rebirth happened in the year 1954," says the artist par excellence, who has proclaimed himself  as The Servant of Pakistan.   Seeing Jimmy Engineer's work on his Independence Series one can observe the trauma encountered ...